Awakening Healing Axis
Annual Retreat/Workshop

5 Day All Inclusive

Marywood Retreat & Conference Center
235 Marywood Drive
St. Johns, FL 32259

April 7th through 11th, 2024

Quantum Knowing & Healing of Your Physical and Energetic Body

We invite you to explore your own physical and energetic body to assist in profound quantum healing with us.

This workshop is designed to deepen your understanding and enrich your personal awareness of your physical and your energy body. We will look quantumly at the connection of the physical form and the energy form to assist in unraveling the mysteries of the multiple layers of the human being.

Evolving Your Human Energy System to Meet the More Advanced Souls Arriving on the Planet:

Have you wondered why the young ones seem more vibrant, free, less encumbered by heaviness? They have more evolved energy systems.  Explore with us how to upgrade and evolve your own energy system to meet all the incoming Souls, so that we can be the highest potential of our Divine Frequency and collectively raise the frequency of humanity.

Experiencing and Healing Your Physical Body:

Pull back the cover on the multiple aspects of your human form. We will go on a deep exploration of the many layers of the human body, including the following systems: gut biome, nervous, circulatory, lymph, fascia, skeletal, endocrine, muscle, skin, organs, and the brain. Learn new ways of sensing into physical bodies yourself and others expanding your skills to assess and heal.

Deep Dive into Your Holographic Lightbody and the Energetic Template of Your Physical Form:

Sink into the human form energetically through exploring the frequencies of each of the major human body systems. Explore the grand connection of self to humanity and the universe at the multidimensional level and sense how those connections shapes our health physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Learn multiple tools including sacred sound, energetic alignment grids, specific filters and much more, for greater alignment of the body systems to work with healing our multidimensional forms.

Deepening Self-love as a Physical Manifestation:

What does it really mean to be the embodiment of your enlightened Soul? Self-love is one’s ability to fully remember all Divine aspects you came to earth to experience in the purest human form. Recognizing your inner strength and light to fully integrate all of your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energy bodies to deeply love self and others.

Exploring the Energetic Interaction of the Mycelial Network and Human Consciousness:

The fungal kingdom web through the mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms. This web allows physical as well as consciousness connections among all beings on the planet.  Ponder the endless possibilities as we explore this web and find aspects of our connections to all of creation.

From Our Past Participants

“Wonderful retreat center, looking forward to 2024. It was a fantastic experience for me personally. Much needed self-care. Eye opening! Liked the short experiential exercises.”

Nancy S.

“This was a wonderful first experience at the AHA Marywood Retreat. Thank you for creating a beautiful, safe, and sacred space for us light beings together, learn, commune and glow. I am full of gratitude. I am leaving feeling connected deeper with my Soul, Core Essence, loving myself and the Divinity within me. The light in me honors the light in you.”

Dena A

“For me it was a bit difficult at first because I don’t have any real understanding of the basics of energetic healing (like chakra names and corresponding numbers). Notwithstanding that- I absolutely loved the sessions and found them invaluable!”

Dale K

“This took my own healing to the next level. I feel much more a part of the earth’s light matrix now. The boundaries activity gave me a new understanding of my own awareness of others & my own choice of size of my field. The deep remembering of being Core Essence – I really am transformed by the remembering. I’ve never experienced anything like these exchanged protocols, I am deeply transformed and grateful. I will be working with these protocols with clients moving forward. Thank you so much for upgrading my energy practice! Thank you!!!”

Amy H

From the Lead Facilitators

Join us in this retreat setting of collective work as we focus on different aspects of self-healing, self-care and gaining tools/skills to embody greater joy. Discover how deeper self-love can release the stressors in your life, allowing you to find the calm, happiness, and personal understanding of true healing for self and others.

You will receive tools at the Quantum Level to shift your energy system into a new way of being, to optimally function and thrive on the earth.

Learn how our young ones are coming to the planet with a new, expanded energy system. Shift your energy to embody the system they show up with. Including:

  • A fusion of the upper and lower Chakra frequencies, which allows for greater understanding of what it is like to be the “beacon of Light” holding great knowledge and presence on earth.
  • The unification of the Chakras and Hara for expanded knowing and understanding of the connection to “All.”
  • Advanced and new Quantum Hara Points beyond the current understanding of the Hara to access one’s Soul purpose and how to embody more deeply to the planet.
  • Connecting deeply to the Pure Timeless Earth and the appropriate gridlines and matrices to live from a place of joy, awe and wonder moment by moment.

You will shift your frequency and energetic capacity paving the way and being able to communicate and be present to these brilliant Soul’s arriving and creating a new place on earth at this time. (particularly our children and grandchildren) As we step into a greater awareness of our energetic construct and ever evolving energetic framework to allow for greater connection to Source and bridging the Divinity of self within.

Expand your ability to facilitate effortless flow and ease in day-to-day life allowing you to flow freely and adapt to all the changes happening in our world. Learn how the Incarnation Grid, Soul Field Grid, Fascia Grid and DNA Grid influence the depth of healing that can occur on all levels. Embrace a realignment of your Holographic Lightbody.

Gain quantum healing tools to ease physical challenges and pain, to restore energetic balance, and stimulate your body’s natural healing processes. By working quantumly, the body and energy field can adjust to support reduction of ailments, lower stress, and anxiety, thus promoting a deep sense of calm and emotional strength.

We invite you into trusting the inner communication of your heart and soul at expansive levels for greater intuitive development. Through the blend of individual and group work, together we move to ever higher frequencies, setting the stage for heightened consciousness.


All rooms are hotel style rooms with two queen beds, private bathroom, refrigerator and microwave in a villa with comfortable common area.

We are offering Double Occupancy and Limited Single Occupancy.


Included and provided in Dining Room.

Facility can accommodate limited dietary Preferences.

Light snacks provided during workshop session breaks.

Relax, Integrate, and Connect with Others

Take in the natural beauty of the retreat center grounds, go for a walk and listen to the birds, listen to the sounds of the water on the pier.

Find a quite spot to meditate and integrate the new frequencies and your personal shifts.

Commune with other participants at meals, in Villa common areas, at an evening fire.

Your Investment in Your Personal/Professional Journey

We are offering this life changing retreat/workshop for the following investment:

Double Occupancy per person $1,895.00 USD

Single Occupancy $2,245.00 USD

Registration closes March 20th.

“Awakening Healing Axis is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider number CEP-3285, for 27 contact hours credit for this course.”

There is an additional nominal fee to receive official CE Contact Hours Credit for these workshops. Instructions will be given for this the day of the workshop.

Prepare to Participate

Things to know to plan your travel:

  • Nearest major airport Jacksonville International Airport (JAX).
  • Arrival:
    • Please arrive at the retreat center between 4:00-4:30 to check in and get settled in your room before dinner at 5:00.
    • Retreat Sessions will begin promptly at 6:00pm.
  • Departure:
    • Retreat Sessions end April 11th at 11:30am. Please do not plan your departure prior to that.